2006-12-20 10:25 a.m.

Deck the Halls


I finally got my Christmas cards done. I even baked a few cookies, but we ate them already. I feel like I'm very behind in the Christmas tasks this year. We haven't even put the tree up, though all the stuff is in the dining room. I guess it will get done eventually. I thought I was off on the 26th, but I just found this morning that I was very wrong about that. Boo Hoo. I wish I could move Christmas up a day. I like the down time of being off the day after Christmas.

My toe is doing better. I taped it to the one next to it and while it's still swollen and has some interesting color to it, I think it will be ok. I'm wearing sneakers all week though. I really am glad this place is so casual.

It's food day at work. I'm wondering if the food is ready for consumption. I don't want anything good for me. I'm only in the mood for chocolate. I made something for the party, but I think I over cooked it. My oven is on the fritz. I thought it was running 25 degrees too hot and I've accounted for that, but yesterday it was running 50 degrees too hot. I'm glad I followed my nose this time. It smelled done and so I checked, unlike a couple of times before where I thought it couldn't possibly be done because the timer had not gone off. I need a new oven.

Over the weekend I found out that my sis bought a laptop on EBay and someone took her for a ride. She paid 1000 for something she shouldn't have paid more than 200 for, if that. I'm not sure why she bought the laptop without asking me or her boyfriend any questions, but now I feel bad. She doesn't really have that kind of extra money to waste. I guess she wanted to feel independant and do this by herself, but ... Well I feel bad. I'm not even sure I should have told her it was such a bad deal. Anyway I'm not on the prowl for a new laptop for her. What a shame I didn't know a few weeks ago. There have been some great sales lately.

Well I'm hungry. I'm going in search of food. Later.

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