2006-10-23 10:07 p.m.

It's ok

My hand is feeling better, maybe not 100%, but better. I opted not to see a doctor. If I had a lot of pain or couldn't move all my fingers and such I'd be running to the doctor, but I'm in pretty good shape. I can type, I can pick up things (just not heavy things) and it's been improving as the day goes on. I'm glad. Stupid, but lucky. Thats me.

We saw a movie Saturday night. The Illusionist. It was pretty good. The ending got me. I won't say more in case you want to see it. I'm glad it was a good movie, but it wasn't the one I thought we were going to see. Oops. I thought we were going to see The Prestige. Why did they release 2 movies with a magician theme? Maybe it's just me. I told my husband when we left, he didn't mind. I'm not sure he wanted to see either movie, but I dragged him along because dd1 wanted to see Marie Antoinette with a friend.

I'm on cruise countdown over here. Less than 2 weeks. I found a really cute pair of shoes to go with my dress and I think I know what I'm packing. The childcare is all lined up and I'm mentally noting what I need to do before we go like clean the whole house, do all the laundry and hide all those things I don't want them to look at.

Well I'm tired, last night was a long one. Later

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