2006-09-04 10:30 p.m.

Summer is Over


What an odd day. We went to a Demolition Derby last night. It was fun. I haven't been to one of those in ages. I was probably my daughter's age when I last went to one. It was a last minute decission and then the girls kept asking what it was. I felt watching it would be the best explaination. It was. They understood.
It was out in Lancaster county so it was a late night.

We all slept in this morning. We had a picnic to go to this afternoon so I had about an hour to kill so I went online to catch up on some diaries and the first diary I read I find out that Steve Irwin is dead. Wow. What a surprise. Who would have guessed. I turned on the TV and told the kids. dd2 was surprised, but reacted pretty much the way I did. dd1 was different. She was quite sad. I forgot how much she watched him when she was little. Many a Saturday morning was spent in front of the TV watching Crodille Hunter and then we got cable and the Animal Network was her favorite station. dd1 loves animals and this man did too. I thought the man was crazy, but I admired him for what he did.

I ended up getting dd1 to help me with some picnic prep so she could think aobut something else. It was a nice little picnic, we didn't know very many people, but it was nice none the less. I wish I was better at the socialization thing. I have a hard time starting conversations with people I don't know.

The first day of school is tomorrow. dd2 is nervous, but I think dd1 is looking forward to it. I hope its a good year for them both.

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