2008-01-28 10:07 p.m.

January continues

January continues ... woo hoo.

I have a cold (or something). dd2 gave it to me. I cough, I sneeze, I try to hack up a lung, I snooze. Thrilling.

I got ... a notice for jury duty. More fun. Lucky me.

Work continues to be all that and more. Can't wait to see what next month brings (aside of a booby squeeze that I signed up for. a mammogram.)

Yes I have seen that show where the guy eats very weird things, but I've only seen it once or twice and he used the word rancid. Food and rancid. It didn't work for me. I haven't tried to watch since. Some people eat things I didn't/don't want to know can be eaten. Yes, I may eat things that don't really come to mind as food (ie: diglycerides, guar gum, polysorbate 80, etc), but I'm ok with this.

Still no resume updates. I'm now leaning to the side of ... it ain't gonna happen. Denial is fun. I so know better. Lazy. Maybe that's it. Lottery tickets. Maybe that's it. Did you hear about the guy who went to Atlantic City to buy designer jeans for his girlfriend and had a little time to kill? So, he drops some money in a slot machine and wins 800,000 dollars. Damn.

Here's wishing us all that kind of luck.

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