2007-07-25 3:45 p.m.

Baltimore Weekend

Damn it's Wednesday and I still haven't updated. Last weekend was SO Busy and I was sure I would be making time to crop photos and do an update, but work is busy too and then there's all those things that need to be done that you couldn't do on the weekend because you weren't home.

Anyhooo ... we went to Baltimore this past weekend. I was dragged to Otakon. I'd love to tell you that I had a great time, but not really. I think the sole purpose of the place was to suck money out of me. It did a good job at that. The kids loved it and as you can see by the photos (link), there was lots to see. IF I go again, I will plant my butt in the shade and people watch. I might even get up the nerve to ask people if I can take their picture, since I hate doing that and I just snuck pictures most of the time. Although it figures my camera was working against me and I took a lot of fuzzy photos. (Duh!)

The cost of the kids dragging me to Otakon was that we dragged them to a concert. It was a pretty good concert. Stray Cats were great, in spite of the fact that there was a fight during one of their best songs and some idiot taking to us about the wrong seat during the 2nd popular song.

Pretenders were ... well they sounded pretty good. I can't say I was ever a Pretender fan and I still didn't understand Chrissy Hine. She mumbles or something.

REO Speedwagon, what a surprise that was. I loved them. And they got a huge response from the audience. My only complaint would be the light positioned on the front of the stage so that is shone (sp?) directly in my eyes. Amazing.

ZZ Top was also very good. Probably my favorite of the 4. I knew more songs than I thought I would. I wasn't a huge fan, but dh is.

I did have to wear ear plugs and I was happy to see others did too. (I was sure I'd be the only one.)

I made a video with my phone that I may upload. It's complete crap, but I might share anyway. It shows the view with the light in my eyes. The sound is awful though. I don't understand why.

I thought we'd walk around the harbor on Sunday, but we were all tired so we came home and I promptly went to sleep.

Work has been busy ever since. Figures.

My sister is moving this weekend. I think a majority of her stuff is moving tomorrow. I'm not really sure how things are working since settlement isn't till Friday. I guess we shall see. I have the girls on Thursday. Hopefully I'll get more details.

Until next time ...

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