2007-04-17 3:50 p.m.


I don't know. I've read so much about this recent tradegy and there are so many opinions. And things bug me.

Ones like, why isn't there stronger gun control? Yeah, so ... we have laws on drugs, does that stop anyone from getting drugs?

Why didn't they lock down the campus? Ok, let's pretend they did, so now there is a bunch of kids locked up in dorms and there is a guy with a gun willing to use it to shoot through doors. Why do some feel that a lock down would have fixed things. Less dead ... maybe? Ok, let's pretend he didn't continue shooting. What if he hid out till the next day and did his shooting then?

We are human. I'm sure no one on that campus could fathom the idea of a mad man shooting up their students and staff. Killing 2 verses 32. Who thinks in terms of 32? What made the kid change location? Who the hell knows? Can we really predict a scenario that will prevent a tradegy next time?

Just thoughts....

EDIT: Re Gun Control - After hearing more information on the ease of getting a weapon in Virginia, I've decided things do need to change. After all it couldn't hurt. So maybe you have to wait a little longer or whatnot, maybe that is enough to make someone change their minde. Maybe.

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