2006-12-29 7:38 p.m.

Dead Pool 2007

Well I'm trying this Dead Pool thing again. I did surprising well with my first attempt.

Last year's guesses are here. I got 3: Don Knotts, Casey Rogers Williams, and Gerald Ford.

Yes I know it's terribly morbid. I truly do not wish any thing bad for these folks. Really, I do not.

So here is this year's attempt (most are from last year's list):

  1. Jack Kevorkian
  2. Roger Ebert
  3. Fidel Castro
  4. Mickey Rooney
  5. Dorothy Malone
  6. Neva Patterson
  7. Jonathan Winters
  8. Margot Kidder
  9. Harry Morgan
  10. Courtney Love

I should probably include Saddam Hussein, but it sounds like that may happen this year. I must admit I'm amazed. I guess I shouldn't be, but I am.

Ok, let's see if I can leave this list alone for the weekend.


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