2014-08-28 10:13 p.m.

2014 Summer Ending


We are nearing the summer's end. Life is cruising by rather quickly now. dd1 is done with school and works full time. She still lives at home and I see her fairly often. She doesn't have same group of friends she once did so she doesn't got out as much any more. Work and home. dd2 is working as well but she is going to college as well. I rarely see her. Once she started driving she was out of here.

I've managed to get myself into some weird routine where I don't get to work until 10 and I leave around 7, so I don't feel like I'm home much. I really need to fix that. I also need to loose weight. I'm my heaviest now. I can't seem to say No to myself.

Mom is worse. It's more and more obvious to everyone that she is forgetting things. Before the only people who seemed to notice were family. I still have no idea what she knows about her situation. She does seem to know she forgets, but otherwise she is just mad. "It's like living in a prison." "Why can't I drive? I was a good driver. What did I do wrong?" "Everyone is so clicky here. No one wants to be a friend with a widow." No one sits with her at dinner either. I think it's because she talks about the same topic each time. She also really only talks about herself. She doesn't ask about the other person. I actually witnessed that. She didn't used to be like that. She was better in social situations.

She had her semi-annual ER visit last week (my first day on vacation). This time, however, they noticed something. She may have actually had a cardiac event. We shall see.

Everything seems to be going bad at the same time. (With Mom, not with everything else.)

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