2007-05-26 8:40 p.m.


Entry Dos

Ok, some pictures. Not many and a couple are old.

So here is dd1 with her senior picture smile.

Here's the little fella that lived on our gazebo for a few weeks. I'm not sure if he flew away or if he had some other fate. He just sorta disappeared one day.

Here's pretty flower picture.

And because it was so hot today, I have ice pictures. Ice Ice Baby.
This is the furniture on the back porch. I thought it looked really pretty with the ice.

Now it may be hard to appreciate this one, but it's about 2 inches thick and it may look like snow, but it was solid. It was a chunk of snow with a 1/2 layer of solid ice on the bottom and on top of this was some weird ice stuff. It was from the weird snow storm we had a few months ago.

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