2007-04-23 2:34 p.m.

Spring What

Wow! Did you guys have a nice weekend? We sure had great weather here. I tried to spend a fair amount of time outside. Saturday I planted some flowers that I've had sitting about. Sunday was earth day so the kids and I did our anual trash pick up. Just a little something to beautify our walk. Then I weeded out the strawberry patch.

The weekend was overshadowed by an arguement that dh and I had. I guess we worked it out, but I'm still confused. I'm tired of him hurting me to shut me down. He has a rebutal for that, probably something along the lines of how I don't shut up. I don't know. I guess we'll see how things play out.

On the mother front, I think the cancer thing was exaggerated, only I don't know by whom. Info hasn't really been offered up by any party and oddly enough I didn't just come out and ask. Actually I think some info was offered out pretty early on by my mother and it wasn't the "c" word, so I didn't ask about it in particular. (I think she said tumor.) I have come to find out that she is having a hip replacement and soon apparently. I'm just going along for the ride at this point. (Yes, same as usual, I'm not making waves.)

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